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BookBub is a service that helps readers discover new books and authors through curated recommendations and discounted deals. Users receive personalized emails based on their reading preferences, highlighting eBook deals and new releases across various genres. BookBub also offers author and publisher services to promote their books to a broad audience, making it a valuable tool for both readers and writers.

Why We Like It

Most of us, including ourselves, tend to live inside of a Filter Bubble. We are only recommended books based on previous books we bought or viewed. But boy do I miss the days of walking through a bookstore and serendipitously finding a book I never knew I needed. Enter Bookbub.

Sure it may ask you about your favorite books in order to give you better recommendations, but even with that we still find ourselves discovering books we never would have on other book marketplaces. Add in the ability to discover new authors and see what other people are recommending on their social feed, and you have yourself not only a new way to discover awesome books, but books at deeply discounted prices ($2.99 or less!). No longer will your wallet exhale dust when you open it!

Bookbub has become a de facto resource to discover new books at bargain prices.

Favorite Features
  • The Deals: Did we mention deals on ebooks that are $2.99 or less?
  • Daily Email Alerts: BookBub sends daily email alerts featuring deals on ebooks tailored to your preferences, causing you to always be in the know of what books are on sale.
  • Author Discovery and Following Features: These features allow you to follow authors you love and to discover new authors you will fall in love with. These not only make you feel closer to the authors, but help you discover books you may otherwise wouldn’t have.

How Users Can Maximize Their Experience with It

Sign Up!: The baseline to maximize your experience is to sign up and regularly update your genre preferences so the daily emails you receive are meaningful to you.

Follow and Engage with Authors: Don’t stop with signing up though as you’ll be destined for the Filter Bubble. Follow your favorite authors and make sure to browse the new authors and choose ones to follow to expand your breadth of book suggestions. Don’t forget to then engage with the author profiles as that not only allows you to get closer to the author, but immensely helps and supports them in writing books you love.

Curated Lists: Another way to explore the different types of books out there is to explore Bookbub’s curated lists.

User Testimonials

"BookBub is my go-to for finding new books. The daily deals mean I always have something new to read without breaking the bank."

"I would tell anyone to just sign up without reservation. I now have more books than I can read in a lifetime."

"There are series I would have never discovered if it weren’t for BookBub, and I always feel like I got a deal, always."

"I actually download several books a week... I would say I’ve saved approximately $40 or more each month using BookBub."

Apps Similar To It

Goodreads: offers book recommendations and social features.

Freebooksy: focuses on free and discounted ebook deals.

Robin Reads and eReaderIQ: both of which provide alerts and deals on ebooks​.